Education News & Articles
[POST ON: 2024-07-09]
There has been a further delay in NEET counseling for 2024. The Medical Counseling Committee (MCC), the counseling body, is likely to begin the NEET 2024 counseling in the third week of July 2024. The NEET UG counseling 2024 dates PDF along with the information bulletin will be further updated in the MCC NEET UG counseling portal, soon afte....[POST ON: 2024-07-09]
The authority has announced the WBJEE counseling dates 2024 on the official web portal. The authority will conduct the WBJEE counseling online in three rounds: the allotment round, the upgrade round, and the mop-up round. The candidate must pay 500 INR for the WBJEE 2024 counseling registration fee. Candidates must ensure they have all the neces....[POST ON: 2024-07-08]
The MHT CET counseling dates in 2024 have been declared by the Maharashtra state CET cell. On July 10, the candidates can begin applying for MHT CET 2024 counseling. Soon, the authority will also come up with a detailed MHT CET 2024 counseling schedule. The candidates who have cleared the entrance exam with valid scores are eligible to undergo M....[POST ON: 2024-07-08]
To get into SRM University with the help of the SRMJEEE 2025 test, one has to get at least 110 points. Analyzing the previous year's trends in SRMJEEE marks and rank, students who score between 100 and 110 marks typically secure ranks between 4000 and 8000. Furthermore, when comparing SRMJEEE marks, one can score approximately 90 out of a to....[POST ON: 2024-07-08]
B-Tech is one of the most popular professional programs that is highly chosen in India. NTA (National Testing Agency) will conduct this Common University Entrance Test (CUET) to offer admission to the UG Courses. The majority of colleges accept JEE Main 2024 scores for B-Tech admissions. However, there are some significant numbers of colleges....[POST ON: 2024-07-08]
VITEEE is an entrance exam conducted at the national level by the Vellore Institute of Technology. Interested students willing to get admission to the B-Tech program at VIT will require adequate scores in VITEEE. The mode of examination will be in online format. Securing a good rank in VITEEE 2025 will help the candidates get an engineering seat....[POST ON: 2024-07-08]
The CUET has emerged as a crucial exam for students aspiring to study at India's top central universities. Some variations of CUET in the process of admission will give uniformity to the process involved in admission to the central universities, improve their standards, and become the benchmark of excellence. Since over 250 universities part....[POST ON: 2024-07-08]
Do you look at the calendar, feeling lost and wondering, How can I prepare CAT 2024 in one month? Don’t panic! The impossible becomes possible when you start the process with a strategic and concentrated plan. Here, you will find useful tips and important strategies for CAT Exam Preparation 2024, which will help you get ready and fee....[POST ON: 2024-07-07]
The National Testing Agency is likely to release the CUET 2024 result by July 10. However, the official CUET 2024 result date will be confirmed soon. Students who took the exam can check their results on the official CUET 2024 website by entering their application number and password. Candidates will have access to the facility for the challenge....[POST ON: 2024-07-07]
Delhi University accepts CUET UG 2024 scores to provide UG admissions. Interested students seeking admission to UG programs have to apply online based on scores obtained in CUET UG 2024. The DU admission process will be conducted through the CSAS portal. According to recent updates, Delhi University is expected to open the CSAS Admission Port....[POST ON: 2024-07-06]
HR specialization personnel are considered very important factors that enhance the attainment of organizational goals in the modern business world. This surge in demand has resulted in an expansion of MBA specializations that focus on human resource management. The incorporation of technology into people's lives and the normalization of onli....[POST ON: 2024-07-05]
The University of Mumbai has begun the admission process for UG Distance Courses. CDOE (Centre for Distance and Online Education-Mumbai University) is responsible for UG admission in first-year BA, BCom, and BSc distance courses. Please keep in mind that students enrolling for the first time in CDOE programs must register by visiting the website....[POST ON: 2024-07-05]
The Online MBA in Finance course is a two-year course and is extremely useful for the working person who wants to add another certification to his or her portfolio to fetch better jobs. You can expect to learn banking, company valuation, accounting, and financial reporting while studying for an MBA in Finance through an online learning program. ....[POST ON: 2024-07-05]
Any individual willing to pursue an MBA degree can do so in different modes, like offline, distance, and online. The traditional MBA is the most commonly chosen program by many of the graduates. However, nowadays, online MBA degrees have primarily gained more scope because they allow candidates to work while studying. However, candidates may enc....[POST ON: 2024-07-05]
Education in today’s business environment is one of the most important factors that has received a lot of emphasis. With busy work schedules, no professional in India can afford to take a break from work to pursue their dreams of a higher degree. This is when EMBA comes into play. Mid- to senior-level executives can work while acquiring kn....[POST ON: 2024-07-04]
Medical aspirants who want to get MBBS admissions in any of India's medical institutes must have taken the NEET exam. India accepts the NEET exam as a national-level exam. The ideal score for the NEET program is between 650 and 710. For the general category of students, any score above 550 will be considered good. However, the same score wil....[POST ON: 2024-07-04]
A postgraduate degree in online MBA aims to provide individuals with a comprehensive understanding of management and business principles. It provides individuals with the knowledge, skills, and networks necessary to succeed in the business and management fields. Many Popular Universities in India now offer UGC-entitled online MBAs, as the demand....[POST ON: 2024-07-04]
IIT Madras, the reputed Indian Institute based in Chennai, has pioneered yet another model in the arena of business with the Online MBA in Maritime & Supply Chain, which is the first of its kind in the entire world. This unique online program targets working professionals globally to enable them to develop skills for managing vanguard curren....[POST ON: 2024-07-02]
The Maharashtra CET, also known as the MHT CET, is an examination that allows students to apply to various undergraduate courses in Maharashtra. MHT CET plays a crucial role in determining the students’ chances of joining their preferred college and course of study to a large extent. Taking this into account, it is impossible to define wha....[POST ON: 2024-07-02]
The COMEDK exam date 2025 will be released soon on the official website. However, students can check out the tentative dates. For those who plan to take the entrance exam, the exam will take place in the second week of May 2025. We anticipate conducting this computer-based exam in three shifts in 2025. The expected start date for COMEDK 2025 reg....